"When I was in high school, I had the best cat ever. He was a stray, but we found him when he was just a kitten. He grew up into this beast. He always had this wild nature to him and he always disappeared for days and we never knew where he was. He was huge, too: like, twenty pounds or somethin'.
"One day - this is when I was away at college - he came back home and was, like, dragging his hind legs. They took him to the vet who said he had some kind of blood clot that had, like, affected the nervous systems in his legs, or somethin'. The vet asked if he could do this experimental operation for free. He amputated the hind legs and replaced them with wheels. But, you know, the cat was never really the same after that."
WHEELS. They took the poor cat to a vet who, instead of, oh, I don't know, removing the clot or possibly putting the cat out of his misery, replaced his legs with WHEELS. WHEELS. A CAT ON WHEELS.
Thank God for Google image search:

That cat's name is Pugsley and he goes on jaunts. God bless America.
Don't say I never gave you nothin.
I will never, ever say that.
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