Excuse me, but not until college? I assume that means she didn't choose to blow her nose until college, but still, that kind of baffles me. And I guarantee that she told me that if I didn't blow my nose I'd get ear and throat infections, as no one else would give me such health advice. Either that, or she was just trying to frighten me into blowing my nose so my sniffling wouldn't annoy her.
To say that I'm living a lie cannot begin to aptly describe this Earth-crashing information.
Blowing your nose more gently might solve the problem. My mom (a nurse, which is why I was hypochondriac for all of my childhood) tells me if you blow too hard, you can rupture vessels in your nose.
Did you know if you sneeze too hard you can break a rib, but if you hold it in you can rupture a neck artery?
To tell you the truth, I still don't blow my nose with a kleenex. I go to the bathroom and blow my nose with running water from the sink. I'm weird, I know.
i didn't blow my nose until college, also. either it's not that weird, or me and your mom are made for each other. pick one.
i was told if i blew my nose i would go to hell where satan would blow my nose for me.
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