Wednesday, May 23, 2007

No jobs for Tylah.

It's only 9:15 but there have already been exciting things afoot in the office this morning. When Adam and I took our usual break to get muffins from the fake Starbucks, one of the unfriendly student workers who work at the front desk - our own blonde version of Princess Coldstare - asked me to hold the door open for her. This is the first time she's spoken to me since she started working here several months ago. When we came back from downstairs, we made brief eye contact and slipped out a muffled "hey." Now I'm going to have to say "hey" to this gal while avoiding her eye-contact. Great.

Also, my coworker got a five-hundred-dollar ticket last night because, apparently, switching cars on a moving El train is illegal. There were a lot of loud "motherfucker"s yelled out behind me this morning, and it was quite exciting.

I have an informal interview for a new job in my office today. It'll probably be pretty bizarre. I'll write more about that later.

I'm feeling a little better today, although my throat is still a little lumpy and I'm only hearing at three-quarters my normal capacity. My left ear is a little stopped-up, but that means that I'm really just hearing my own voice at a deeper volume and, hey, who can complain about that?

Finally, this picture pretty much killed me when I saw it this morning. CAN I RELATES?

1 comment:

benbenbenbenben said...

small world, i know the guy who took the photo of coldstare girl. weird.