Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Slowly. Surely?

Things are quite dead at work lately, since we're not getting much mail and there isn't any busy work to keep us busy. So, since I was instructed to "look busy," I've been spending my time watching movies on Netflix, which is pretty much one of the greatest technological advancements in my life (following the iPod and Netflix, free online movies have saved my life). I've been watching some downers, though watching depressing movies at work makes you realize that you don't have it so bad after all? Feeling down? I suggest watching Agnes of God, like I did yesterday! And follow that with The Children's Hour! There's nothing like nuns who kill their babies and suicidal lesbians to brighten your spirits and make those miserable eight hours fly by!

I should perhaps credit my good mood lately on the progression in my job search. I had a phone interview on Monday that landed me an in-person meeting tomorrow afternoon. And I took the Metra for the first time yesterday (terrifying!) to Evanston for an interview at Northwestern, which went amazingly well. I was there for an hour and a half and talked up a storm. I was pulling out all kinds of optimism in my work ethics that I surprised myself. Also, it's nice when the two interviewers are much more awkward and less prepared than I am. I think I have a very good chance (I'm one of seven candidates who are in the interview process out of around seventy applicants), but I won't hear anything for a few weeks.

The interview tomorrow is for another position at Northwestern, and it requires writing samples, which is kind of frightening. I don't really have any professional writing samples; the only thing I have are long, academic papers. In addition to that frustration, I've never had an opportunity for someone to judge my ability to be an office assistant based on my writing. I think that interview might be a little trickier, although I suppose it'll be good practice regardless.

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